Saturday, April 28, 2012

Fall Break 2012: In a Nutshell

Over three weeks ago, on Good Friday, I left Wellington for a 17 day trek exploring the South Island over our fall break.  It was the longest, independent trip like this I have ever gone on, I rode the Magic Bus mostly, hiked for 7 days, and did a little hitch hiking to fill in the gaps.  The Magic bus is a tour company that runs multi-day, multi-bus loops and pass-holders can get on and off the loops at their leasure, staying where they please.  I hiked over 120km in those 7 days on two different tracks, and traveled almost 2100km in total.  I met people from all over the world, and made friends from Sweden, Norway, Germany, Minnesota, South Carolina, the UK, Israel, and France.  I also ran into several friends from Wellington on different occasions, and it was nice not to be on my own the entire time.  Among other things I jumped off a bridge to plummet over 43 meters at the historic birth place of the bungee jump, walked on a glacier, and had a camping slipper stolen by an aggressive Weka bird, New Zealand’s bush hen.

On Good Friday I rode the Ferry west from Wellington, across Cook Straight to land in the small town of Picton.  Saturday I started the Queen-Charlotte track, a 70km track in the Marlborough Sounds of New Zealand’s south island.  It’s a one-way trail so I hired a water-taxi so drop me at the start, walking west past beaches, bays, and along small mountain ridges over the water.  The weather was clear and perfect, I had 4 days of sun and warm breezes.  The track took me 3 full days with a very full pack, you must boil your own water and tents were the only camping option.  My last night on the trail I set up camp beach-side only to be attacked by sand flies and a nosey Weka bird.  It was looking for food but decided to steal one of my travel slippers I had been using around camp- I never got it back.  The following day, Tuesday, I hiked the remaining few miles to the trailhead and then hitched 2 rides the 40km back to Picton. Upon arrival several hours later I cleaned and repacked at a hostel, and the next day caught the magic bus a short way to Nelson.   Great hostel that night, or backpackers as they’re called here.  I met some friends from Wellington and rode with them down the coast that day to Greymouth.  Our backpackers was more like a classy B&B, high ceilings and nice furnishings, etc. 
The next morning was Friday, start of week II, and I got the magic bus to Franz Joesf Glacier.  We arrived just before lunch so I hitched the few km from town to the glacier.  It was beautiful, and valley was massive and very pretty as well.  That night I met my wellington friends again and dried my boots by a warm wood stove.  Saturday we rode by picturesque mirror-lakes, with beaufitul reflective vistas of Mounts Cook and Tasmen.  We arrived in Wanaka at sunset; the beginning of fiordland and some of the most stunning terrain I’ve ever seen- even if the driver of our bus neglected to tell me the backpackers he booked me at was full.  I wandered around and finally found a place with an empty bed.  Sunset over the lake was colorful and that night after dinner I met friends from the magic bus.  Sunday we rode the short ways to Wanaka, past an old historic bridge where the first ever bungee-jump took place.  They showed us a video about the creators and the history behind its creating in the late 80’s, and in the end I was convinced to do it. It was incredible- well worth it and I was on a natural high for the rest of the day.  We got into Queenstown by lunch, I repacked and bought a map, fuel and alpine hut passes, and by 1:00 I was standing just north of Queenstown on the way up Lake Wakatipu.  I was in 40km north in Glenorchy by mid-afternoon with time to explore the hamlet of Glenorchy.  With a population of 200 and stunning views north to the Rees and Dart valleys and rivers, it is easily the most beautiful place I have ever been.  Both rivers flow into either sides of the very north tip of Lake Wakatipu, creating a massive river delta with two large braided rivers.  My next hike would bring me 25km up the Rees Valley, over a saddle, and  then 35km back down the Dart Valley.  This track was one of the more difficult trips I’ve done and by far the most breath-taking.  Alpine terrain might be one of my favorite landscapes with massive valley flats, boulder fields, and massive towering jagged peaks, in places 900m above the valley floor.  In all it took me 3 days, I combined the last 2 days plus the ride 40 min back to Glenorchy and then an hour to Queenstown all in the last day, I walked over 30km to be able to spend an extra night, Wednesday, in Queenstown.  It was worth it- it has such  an upbeat and fun vibe, I ran into other wellington friends unexpectedly on Thursday and spent all and night with them, ending week II. 

Friday I took a bus to the famed Milfod Sound.  Although extremely beautiful and worth it, I think it was a bit over rated.  The next day I took the Magic bus to Dunedin, explored the city a while and visited the Cadbury chocolate factory for a tour and cup of liquid chocolate.  Sunday we left for scenic Lake Tekapo.  Our backpackers was very homey and nice but a short walk from the small town of Lake Tekapo.  Monday, after the most beautiful sunrise I’ve ever been up for, we rode to Christchurch and arrived at the airport by lunch.  My flight was not until 8:00 but I had little motivation to pay my way all the way back into the city, lugging my bags.  I waited the 8 hours and finally boarded a plane back to Wellington.  I caught a ride with the ma I sat next to on the plane back into town and walked back to my flat, to arrive late Monday evening and after 18 days on the road, I was glad to be back.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Better late than never...

Several weekends ago the Arcadia group [the exchange university I came here with] met our Kiwi leader Alex, Friday morning [Friday March 16] downtown to catch the ferry across Cook Strait to Picton on the south island.  We got on a bus to Nelson to pick up Jane, our other Arcadia leader.  Jane and Alex are both really great and I love when we get to see them.  Late afternoon we arrive at our hostel just outside of Abel Tasmen National park.  We walked the beach nearby and met for a delicious dinner made by Jane and Alex.

Abel Tasmen was the second nat'l park in New Zealand and is on the north-west tip of the south island.  It's not very large but is on the cost, with miles of beautiful beaches, rocky islands home to animal preservation projects and families of lazy seals.  Saturday morning we woke early to ride a water-taxi up the coast into the park.  We were dropped about 15km from our destination that night and spent saturday hiking back along beaches, through small clusters of old houses, and along ridge trails overlooking white sand beaches and rich aqua water.  Lunch at Bark bay and then onto Cleopatra's pool complete with a natural slide and dunking pool, albeit dangerously cold mountain water.

We finally got to our home for the night, floating in Torrent Bay.  We all climbed to the top of the two story oceanic hostel and jumped off into the bay.  Dinner was a lamb and sausage bbq and after we played Jane's version of Kiwi charades.  The star gazing was unbelievable from the roof and we saw several shooters in under a half hour.  We all slept in the very bottom, it's a converted catamaran and we were very packed in but it was one of the best nights of sleep I've had in a very long time.

Sunday we got up very early to a cloudy and drizzles, motored to the shore and donned life jackets and skirts for our tandem sea kayaks.  We had two great kiwi guides and spent the day paddling back the rest of the way to our original hostel.  We met our bus and dropped Jane off in Nelson in time to catch our evening ferry back into Wellington.  It was an awesome weekend with great company and stunning scenery.